I have always been passionate about accessibility throughout my entire career. It is always forefront on my mind and present in my work. I was given the opportunity to train the entire company at POP by creating their first accessibility training classes. During these classes, I explained what accessibility is, why it is important, and what we can do in our work to make sure it is present and accounted for.
Tasked with creating and teaching a company wide class, I first started with building a presentation deck to use. I wanted to not only start with teaching the what of what accessibility is, but also the why. Because a variety of different people would be taking this class, everyone from developers, to managers to designers, I wanted to make sure everyone understood the importance of why it matters.
In order to understand why accessibility matters, you also need to understand how it relates to different users who have different abilities. During the training, examples of ability types were given, along with tools used as well as what to keep in mind when designing or developing a site with that in mind.
I wanted to make sure I was able to answer the question of “how does this apply to me?” while giving the training. By giving clear and defined responsibilities for each position, a clear set of goals and expectations can be established by all parties companywide.
Download the presentation pdf here.